Can’t Go a Full Night Without Waking Up? Here’s Why + Easy Fixes
Getting a full night’s sleep is essential for people across the world. Without it, you'll start to experience adverse effects in your daily life—and trying to repay your sleep debt on the weekends isn't a viable solution. Waking up in the middle of the night with night sweats, to use the bathroom, or just to stare at the ceiling when we can’t fall back asleep are problems that impact many of us. But why do you keep waking up during the night—and is there a solution to fix the problem? Let's take a closer look as some common sleep issues and ways to improve your sleep fitness.
Why Do You Keep Waking Up?
There are many reasons that people jolt awake in the middle of the night, including:
Stress and Anxiety
Having trouble sleeping is a common symptom of anxiety, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you know that you have anxiety, this likely isn’t news to you. But even mild forms of anxiety, certain degrees of stress, or having something worrying you can have you tossing and turning throughout the night.
Sleeping Environment
Although getting a good night's sleep might seem as simple as having a bed, a pillow, and a snuggly blanket, your sleeping environment can play a tremendous role in the quality of your nightly rest. If your bedroom is too hot, too cold, too noisy, or too bright, staying asleep throughout the night can be a challenge.
Alcohol Consumption Before bed
Having a nightcap isn’t all too uncommon, but it can significantly impact your sleep fitness. Even though it might seem like alcohol can help you drift off to sleep, it’s more typically associated with stage one sleep, where it’s easier to awaken because of environmental factors.
Uncomfortable Bedding
If you've slept on an older mattress for quite some time or you just have never gotten used to your bed, you can probably sense that it may be impacting the quality of your sleep. There are many more reasons that can interrupt your beauty rest, but these are among the most common. Now that we've identified some problems, here are some tips to help fix them—and finally reclaim your full night's worth of restful sleep.
How to Fix It
If your sleeping environment is the issue, adjusting your thermostat is the best first step. Experts recommend sleeping in an ambient temperature of 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit. If your room situation doesn’t afford that or you want to go the extra mile to ensure quality sleep, investing in a cooling mattress that absorbs and dissipates ambient heat will help you sleep more soundly.
If the morning sun seeps into your room or street lights outside your window keep you awake, look into blackout curtains also. Regarding alcohol consumption, everyone processes it differently, but if you find that you can't sleep after a nightcap, adjust your habits and allow at least three hours after the last beverage for optimal sleep.
Finally, if your bed is just uncomfortable, the only way to effectively and ultimately fix the problem is to invest in a better, smarter mattress. It’s definitely a worthwhile investment, especially when you consider the amount of time you’ll spend in bed throughout your life, as well as the impact a great (or poor) night’s rest has on your well-being. Optimally, you should choose a bed that includes innovative smart features so you can track your sleep over time and take steps to improve your sleep fitness.
About Eight
Eight is an innovative company dedicated to improving the sleep fitness of people around the world one night at a time. They offer advanced sleep fitness tools like their smart mattress with cooling technology to ensure you sleep cool throughout the night so you can wake up recharged, refreshed, and ready for the day. Using cutting-edge technology, biometrics, and sleep data from people across the world, Eight’s line of products is ready to help you improve and reach your sleep fitness goals.
Take the first step toward improving your sleep fitness at
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