Investments You Need to Make That You Won’t Find in a Portfolio

For many of us, our investments are the backbone of our wealth. What you have in your portfolio—be it mutual funds, stock options, or stakes in a start-up—can help propel you into a brighter future. But in the process, too many put essential components to health and happiness on the backburner, and the long-term effects can be detrimental.


Are you investing in all of the right things? Here are a few non-monetary investments you can't afford to neglect on your path to success.

Invest in Your Relationships

As any experienced networker knows, you never know when that email or phone number will come in handy. Building relationships with people can be the ticket to landing a new job, making a great hire, or getting capital for future ventures. But while networking with strangers and managing these relationships is key, you can’t let work take you away from the family and friends you’ve known for years. Money can’t buy love or happiness, so make sure you’re investing time and energy into your loved ones and staying in touch.

Invest in Your Health

When your phone screen cracks, you get a new one. When your car starts to bite the dust, you trade it in. You only get one body, though, so you need to make sure that you’re taking care of it. Whether that means eating right, hitting the gym before or after work, or taking precautionary steps to sleep cooler and better to avoid night sweats, make sure you’re maintaining yourself.

Invest in Your Sleep Fitness

Listen, as hard as it is for most of us to shut down at the end of the night, getting a good night’s rest is essential for quality work. All sleep isn’t the same either, because if you’re tossing and turning throughout all five hours of your dedicated sleep routine, you’re not going to get the quality of rest you need.

Instead, you need to approach every night like you’re working out and your bed like a gym. When you’re getting your best-quality sleep every night, you’re becoming sleep fit, and you'll notice the effects on your overall energy levels, productivity, happiness, and health. Although getting to bed early and shutting the email down might seem counter intuitive to success, the investment pays dividends every morning. If you want to take the shortcut to sleep fitness, you can invest in a smart bed like the Pod from Eight Sleep so you can sleep cooler and deeper than ever before.

About Eight Sleep

With better sleep, you'll be a more effective person, ready to tackle any and all of the challenges the next day presents. Eight Sleep is a sleep fitness company dedicated to helping you get the most out of your sleep every night. The Pod is their latest product, and it's a smart bed like no other in the category. This cooling mattress uses cutting-edge technology to keep you cool throughout the night and adjusts the surface temperature on both sides of the bed automatically. The Pod also features a sensor network to track specific sleep fitness metrics so you can see how well you slept the next morning and take steps to improve your sleep fitness via the Sleep Coach feature in Eight Sleep’s app. Eight Sleep wants to change the way you think about sleep, and they offer a 100-night risk-free trial so you can experience the Pod for yourself.

Learn more about the Pod and Eight Sleep’s other sleep innovations at


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